SEND Newsletter

The special educational needs and disability (SEND) newsletter for Lancashire families.

If you would like to receive a free copy of the SEND Newsletter by post or email 4 times a year, please sign up to the FIND database.

If you have any comments or ideas for articles please send them to:

SEND newsletter review

Help us make the SEND newsletter even better by taking a few minutes to complete our anonymous survey.

The FIND database

Sign up to the FIND database

The FIND database includes information about disabled children and young people up to 25 years old in Lancashire.

Families are invited to submit details about their disabled child or young person to the database, which is used to develop an overview of the needs of disabled children across the county to assist with planning services.

The FIND service is strictly confidential - no individual information about any children or their families is shared with anyone.

Every family recorded on the FIND database receives a quarterly newsletter free of charge to help them keep informed about services and support which may be relevant.

You can also download a paper version (DOCX 78KB) of the form to print or return by email. 

Once we receive your request you will receive confirmation of your details through the post.

Directory of services

The new Lancashire SEND Directory has replaced the FIND directory. Search our directory for organisations that provide information, advice, support or activities in Lancashire and nationally, if relevant. 

Search the SEND Directory

To find out more about the directory please email


Tel: 01772 538 077